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  • 2022新丝绸之路法学院联盟论文大赛
  • 发布时间:2022/08/08 15:50:33 新闻来源: 本站 点击量:







3.稿件须使用英文撰写,字数在8000至15000字之间,包括摘要、尾注、脚注。文本应采用 12 磅 Times New Roman 字体,单倍行距,注释体例参照OSCOLA。




5.截止日期: 2022年10月31日(太平洋标准时间),通过电子邮件方式发送至邮箱:NSRLSA@xjtu.edu.cn, 邮件主题为 “论文大赛”。论文大赛由专家双盲评审,为确保评委匿名审阅,请勿在稿件中透漏个人信息,下文提供的封面须与稿件一起提交。


The New Silk Road Law Schools Alliance (NSRLSA) is pleased to announce the 2022 writing competition. This competition is open to articles written while the author is an active student at law schools of the Alliance.

Themes: the NSRLSA encourages and rewards articles in the area of “Silk and Road Initiative”, public international law, international economic law and private international law from a national or international perspective through the legal lens.

Prizes: First Place: $3000; Second Place: $1000, and Third Place: $500. One article will be selected for the First Place. Three articles will be selected for the Second Place. Five articles will be selected for the Third Place.


1. Manuscripts must be the original work of author/authors who are all students at schools of the Alliance. Authors may not have graduated from law school prior to December 31 2022.

2. Manuscripts may not be submitted for publication anywhere. No student may submit more than one entry.

3. The manuscript must be in English, between 8000 to 150000 words, including abstract, endnotes, footnotes. The text should be in 12-point Times New Roman font and signal-spaced. Citations should conform to OSCOLA.

4. World well-known professors and scholars will be invited to serve as judges. Articles and papers with a balanced full spectrum legal analysis will be selected for the awards and cash prizes. Judges will be grading on the following points:

1) Is the analysis original and innovative? Does the article have theoretical and/or practical significance?

2) Is the article well written, with strong endnotes following the OSCOLA and providing insightful information?

5. Articles must be submitted toNSRLSA@xjtu.edu.cn, using the subject line “Writing Competition”, by midnight (PST) on 31 October, 2022. To assure anonymous review by the judges, no personal information should appear on the manuscript itself. A separate cover page provided below must be submitted with the manuscript.

6. NSRLSA reserves the right for interpretation.

2022 NSRLSA Law Student Writing Competition

Student Information and Declaration



Law School:

Graduation Date:

E-mail Address:

Please confirm:

1.My paper has not been submitted for publication anywhere and I will not submit it for publication anywhere until this wiring competition is completed.

2.The paper is my original writing and has no competing interests to declare.

3.I have read all the rules of this competition and have fully complied therewith.

