Zhang Hong , Female, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor at School of Law, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Successively graduated from Southeast University , Northwest University of Political Science and Law ,and China University of Political Science and Law
07/2001---so far
Being a teacher in school of law ,Xi’an Jiaotong University
Teaching courses:
Criminal Procedural Law(for graduate students and undergraduate students)
Law of Evidence(for undergraduate students)
Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law (for minor course students)
Civil Procedural Law (for overseas graduate students, in English)
Deputy Procurator-General at the People's Procuratorate of Beilin Distract, Xi’an (temporary post)
Practising lawyer at Shaanxi Fazhi Law Firm
Engineer at Nanjing Iron and Steel Corporation
Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program,School of Law, Northwestern University, USA
07/2018---so far
Chinese Director of Confucius Institute at University of Liverpool, UK
10/2017 Explore the Path of Reform for Performing Procuratorial Function efficiently ,Shaanxi people's publishing house
02/2016 Theory Theoretical Research on Conviction on Evidence in criminal justice ,Xi'an Jiaotong University Press
04/2016 Four Kinds of Value The principle of Evidentiary Adjudication in Criminal Justice,The Procuratorial Daily
12/2013 Dilemma of Proving of Illegal Evidence in China and Its Solusiont—Based On the Case of Xie Yalong, Journal of Hunan Police Academy
05/2012 Share Responsibility for Burden of Proof in Criminal Justice---The Analysis On The Perspective of Comparative Law,Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences)
09/2011 From Evidence to Face—The analysis of the proof process by the perspective of comparative law,Tribune Political Science and Law
09/2008 Discretion About The Exclusion of Illegal Evidence,Academic Forum of Nandu
06/2007 Research On Evaluating Evidence,Journal of National Prosecutors College
Special Procurator of The People's Procuratorate of Shaanxi Province;
Expert Consultant of The People's Procuratorate of Shaanxi Province;
Vice President of the Information Security Law Society, The Law Society of Shaanxi Province
Deputy Director of Legal Commission of Shaanxi-China National Democratic Construction Association