Dr. Chunyang Jin is a Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University School of Law. His research is focused on Intellectual Property Law. He got B.A from the East China Normal University, Master of Comparative Law from the University of Michigan Law School (Ann Arbor), LL.M and S.J.D from the Doshisha University in Japan. He published Four books and more than 20 papers in China and Japan.
Before joining XJTU, Dr. Jin has been a legal adviser for the Panasonic Corporation and a Lecturer at the Doshisha University Law Faculty in Japan. After joining XJTU as an Associate Professor of law, he has been the Personal Assistant for the President of XJTU and a Visiting Scholar at the Hokkaido University Graduate School of Law in Japan. Beside teaching law at XJTU as a Professor, he is also acting as the Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee of Xi’an Hi-tech Industries Development Zone.
1. Chunyang Jin, Intellectual Property Law, Tsinghua University Press (2d ed. 2018).
2. Chunyang Jin, The reasonable boundary of Intellectual Property, Xi’an Jiaotong University Press, 2013.
3. Chunyang Jin, Research on Patent Value Development Based on the Perspective of Normative Governance, Xi’an Jiaotong University Press, 2012.
4. Chunyang Jin, Trade Secret Law: A Comparative Study of China, Japan and the United States, Seibundoh Press, 2007.
1. Chunyang Jin, Dilemma of Patentability of Fundamental Tools and Suggestions to China, 16 Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences) 75 (2014).
2. Chunyang Jin, Patentability of Business Method, 2 J. of Wuhan Uni. of Sci. & Tech. (Social Science Edition) 186 (2014).
3. Chunyang Jin, The Inheritance and transformation of Copyright in Japan, China Science Daily 19 Aug. 2013.
4. Chunyang Jin, The Scope of Applying the First Sale Doctrine in International Trade, 3 Doshisha Law Review 1 (2013).
5. Chunyang Jin, et al., Innovation-driven development within and outside the boundaries of intellectual property, Guangming Daily 19 May 2013.
6. Chunyang Jin, Significance and Effectiveness of Hermeneutic on Copyright Law, 1 Academy for International Business Transactions Review 129 (2013).
7. Chunyang Jin, The Boundary of First Sale Doctrine for Copyrighted Work, 2 Journal of Northwest A&F University (Social Science Edition) 123 (2013).
8. Chunyang Jin, Enlightenment from the Obstacle Huawei & ZTE Encountered when they enter the U.S. Market, China Intellectual Property Daily 17 Oct. 2012.
9. Chunyang Jin, Using Intellectual Property as a core element in promoting business development, People’s Daily 23 Aug. 2012.
10. Chunyang Jin, et al., A Study of the Protection of Unregistered Marks Owned by Senior User, 7 People’s Tribune 92 (2012).
11. Chunyang Jin, Cultivate independent brands on trademarks, Chinese Social Sciences Today 15 Aug. 2012.
12. Chunyang Jin, The Development of Confusion Theory in Use, Similarity, Exports and Parallel Imports, 1 Academy for International Business Transactions Review 45 (2012)
13. Chunyang Jin, et al., Improve the teaching quality of Intellectual Property law courses, 10 China Higher Education 55 (2012).
14. Chunyang Jin, Hermeneutic Analysis on Copyright Law, 3 Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences) 90 (2012).
15. Chunyang Jin, A look at Patent Pool Agreements, 5 Electronics Intellectual Property 30 (2010).
16. Chunyang Jin, Use and Similarity in Trademark Litigation in China, 7 Doshisha Law Review 1213 (2009).
17. Chunyang Jin, The Impact of Bilski on China’s Law and Practice, 7 Electronics Intellectual Property 73 (2009).
1. Dilemma of Patentability of Fundamental Tools and Suggestions to China got the Third Price of the 12th Excellent Achievement Award of Philosophy and Social Science in Shaanxi Province 2015.
2. Research on Patent Value Development Based on the Perspective of Normative Governance got the Third Price of the 11th Excellent Achievement Award of Philosophy and Social Science in Shaanxi Province 2014.
3. Intellectual Property Law got the Second Price of the Excellent Teaching Material Award in Shaanxi province 2013.
Email Address:jin.chunyang@xjtu.edu.cn