I. Working Experience
2018.06 – present Professor, School of Law, Xi’an Jiaotong University, P.R. China
2013.05 – present Assistant Dean (HR), School of Law, Xi’an Jiaotong University, P.R. China
2015.10 – 2018.06 Distinguished Research Fellow, School of Law, Xi’an Jiaotong University, P.R. China
2014.09 – 2015.08 Erin J.C. Arsenault Fellow, Institute of Air & Space Law, Faculty of Law, McGill University, Canada
2014.01 – 2015.05 Associate Professor, School of Law, Xi’an Jiaotong University, P.R. China
2011.10 - 2013.12 Lecturer, School of Law, Xi’an Jiaotong University, P.R. China
II. Education
2007.09 - 2011.09 PhD Candidate in Public International Law, School of Law, Xi’an Jiaotong University, P.R. China
PhD in Law received in September 2011
2009.10 - 2010.06 Visiting Fellow, The Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge, UK
2008.07 - 2009.09 Visiting Research Student, School of Law, King’s College London, UK
2005.09 - 2007.07 Research Student in Mass Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong University, P.R. China
Master of Arts received in June 2007
2000.09 - 2004.07 Undergraduate in English Language and Literature, School of International Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University, P.R. China
Bachelor of Arts received in June 2004
III. Trainings
2008.08 Participant (scholarship), Public International Law Session 2008, The Hague Academy of International Law, The Netherlands
2008.07 Participant (scholarship), Summer Courses 2008, Xiamen Academy of International Law, P.R. China
2007.07 Participant, Summer Courses 2007, Xiamen Academy of International Law, P.R. China
IV. Areas of Research Interest
Outer Space Law
The Law of The Sea
International Air Law
International Environmental Law
V. Courses Taught
Public International Law (Xi’an Jiaotong University, English)
General Principles of International Space Law (Faculty of Law, McGill University, with Prof. Ram Jakhu)
Private International Law (Xi’an Jiaotong University, bi-lingual)
History of Western Legal Theories (Xi’an Jiaotong University, bi-lingual)
Legal Ethics (Xi’an Jiaotong University, Chinese)
VI. Publications
1) Md Tanveer Ahmad & Jinyuan Su (eds.), NewSpace Commercialisation and the Law (McGill Centre for Research in Air and Space Law, 2017).
2) Jinyuan Su, Research of International Law on Military Use of Global Commons in Time of Peace (Harbin Institute of Technology Press, 2013). (in Chinese)
3) Wenhua Shan & Jinyuan Su (eds.), China and International Investment Law: Twenty Years of ICSID Membership (BRILL, 2014).
4) Wenhua Shan & Jinyuan Su (eds.), Financial Crisis and the European Legal Transformation (Law Press, 2014). (in Chinese)
Journal Articles:
1) Jinyuan Su, Legality of Unilateral Exploitation of Space Resources under International Law, 66 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 991-1009 (2017).
2) Jinyuan Su, Space Arms Control: Lex Lata and Currently Active Proposals, 7 Asian Journal of International Law 61-93 (2017).
3) Jinyuan Su, Active Debris Removal: Potential Legal Barriers and Possible Ways Forward, 9 Journal of East Asia and International Law 403-426 (2016).
4) Jinyuan Su, Measures proposed for planetary defence: obstacles in existent international law and implications for space arms control, 34 Space Policy 1-5 (2015).
5) Jinyuan Su, The East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone and International Law, 14 Chinese Journal of International Law 271-303 (2015).
6) Jinyuan Su & Lixin Zhu, The European Union Draft Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities: An Appraisal, 30 Space Policy 34-39 (2014).
7) Jinyuan Su, The Delimitation between Airspace and Outer Space and the Emergence of Aerospace Objects, 78 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 355-378 (2013).
8) Jinyuan Su, The International Code of Conduct for Information Security: An Appraisal, China Information Security 88-92 (2013). (in Chinese)
9) Jinyuan Su, Near space as a sui generis zone: a tri-layer approach of delimitation, 29 Space Policy 90-92 (2013).
10) Jinyuan Su, The Environmental Dimension of Space Arms Control, 29 Space Policy 58-66 (2013).
11) Zhaoxing Liu & Jinyuan Su, Comparative law in China: over 30 years’ development and paradigm shift in research, 1 Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 158-184 (2013).
12) Jinyuan Su, Yuelin Liu & Qiang Li, The System of Legal Education in England and Wales and Its Enlightenment for China, 33(4) Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Science Edition) 59-65 (2013). (in Chinese).
13) Jinyuan Su, The Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) and Interdiction at Sea: A Chinese Perspective, 43(1) Ocean Development and International Law 96-118 (2012).
14) Jinyuan Su, Towards an Effective and Adequately Verifiable PPWT, 26(3) Space Policy 152-162 (2010).
15) Jinyuan Su, The “Peaceful Purposes” Principle in Outer Space and the Russia-China PPWT Proposal, 26(2) Space Policy 81-90 (2010).
16) Jinyuan Su, Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes: Non-Militarization, Non-Aggression and Prevention of Weaponization, 36(1) Journal of Space Law 253-272 (2010).
17) Jinyuan Su, The “Peaceful Purposes” Principle in Antarctica and the Stability of Its Peaceful Status, 27(3) Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal 152-165 (2010).
18) Jinyuan Su & Yiwei Lü, The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Island Protection 2009, 25(3) The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 425-436 (2010).
19) Jinyuan Su & Lixin Zhu, Arms Control and Environmental Protection in Outer Space, 14(2) Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (Social Science Edition) 100-106 (2012). (in Chinese).
20) Lixin Zhu & Jinyuan Su, Legal Basis of US Cyber Security Strategy, 13(1) Theoretical Studies on PLA Political Work 123-126 (2012). (in Chinese).
21) Jinyuan Su, Cultural Diversity as Common Heritage and Common Concern of Mankind, 29(5) Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Science Edition) 77-85 (2009). (in Chinese).
Book Chapters:
1) Jinyuan Su, Control over Activities Harmful to the Environment, in: Ram Jakhu & Paul Dempsey (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Space Law (Routledge, 2017), 73-89.
2) Jinyuan Su, Emerging Modes of Aerospace Transportation and the Delimitation between Airspace and Outer Space: A Chinese Perspective, in: Ram Jakhu & Kuan-Wei Chen (eds.), Regulation of Emerging Modes of Aerospace Transportation (Montreal: Centre for Research in Air and Space Law, McGill University, 2014), 327-342.
Conference Papers:
1) Jinyuan Su, Active Debris Removal: Key Legal Issues and Policy Alternatives, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on New Challenges of Space Law (Athens, 28-29 August 2015).
2) Jinyuan Su & Lixin Zhu, The Delimitation between Airspace and Outer Space and the Emergence of Aerospace Objects, in: Proceedings of the 56th Colloquia on the Law of Outer Space (Beijing, 21-26 September, 2013).
3) Jinyuan Su, The European Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities: A Chinese Perspective, in: Proceedings of the 6th IAASS Conference (Montreal, 21-23 May 2013).
4) Jinyuan Su, The Delimitation between Airspace and Outer Space and the Emergence of Aerospace Activities: A Chinese Perspective, in: Proceedings of the REMAT (Montreal, 24-25 May 2013).
5) Jinyuan Su, The European Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities from the Security Perspective, in: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of China Society of Space Law 2012 (Beijing, November 2012), (in Chinese).
6) Jinyuan Su, International Code of Conduct for Information Security and US Cyber Security Strategy: A Comparison, in: Proceedings of the 3rd China Cyber Security Conference (Beijing, 12 October, 2012), (in Chinese).
7) Jinyuan Su, Lixin Zhu, The Environmental Dimension of Space Arms Control, in: Proceedings of the 54th Colloquia on the Law of Outer Space (Cape Town, 3-7 October, 2011).
8) Jinyuan Su, State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks in International Law, in: Proceedings of the 1st China Cyber Security Conference (Xi’an, 15-17 October, 2010).
9) Jinyuan Su, Peaceful Use of Outer Space and the PPWT, in: Proceedings of the Conference on International Law and Peaceful Use of Outer Space (Harbin, 10-11 July, 2010), (in Chinese).
Address: School of Law, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Xi’an, Shaanxi 710049, P.R. China
Tel/Fax: +86 29 8266 4423
E-mail: jinyuan.su@hotmail.com