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  • SRIIL Signed Cooperation MOU with BIICL
  • Published:2009/10/22 00:00:00 News source:The station

In middle October, Mrs Norah Gallagher, Director of the Investment Treaty Forum at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law(BIICL), visited the Law School and the signed an MOU on behalf of the BIICL with the Silk Road Institute for International Law (SRIIL).

On 15th October, Professor Wenhua Shan and Mrs Norah Gallagher, as representative of the SRIIL and the BIICL respectively, signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the two intitutes. The MOU aims at fostering exchange of student and scholars and cooperation and collaboration in research projects and events. Dr. Liangli, Executive Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange, together with Prof MA zhiguo and Prof WANG Baomin, Vice-Deans of the Law school, witnessed the signature ceremony.

During her visit, Mrs Norah Gallagher had also given an insightful lecture entitled “BITs for the Future, China and Beyond” and was awarded an Adjuct Professorhip at Xi'an Jiaotong University. She also visited the library of SRIIL.

Founded in 1895, the BIICL is among the oldest and most prestigiou instutute in international and comparative law in the world. Its high quality research projects, seminars and publications encompass almost all areas of public and private international law, comparative law and European law, and it is at the forefront of discussions on the many contemporary issues of international and comparative law. The ITF was established in recent years, but has quickly earned a reputation as the premier forum for international investment law and arbitration in the world. It is expected that the cooperation and exchange between the two institutes will help further enhance exchange and cooperation between international law communities between China and the UK.