B.A. in English and History‑Politics, (1971); L.L.B. (first class honours), (1971); Stow Scholar; Australian Shell Scholar, (1971), Adelaide University. DPhil, (Oxon, 1977). L.L.D, (Cantab, 2004). Juris Doctor(honoris causa),Pázmány Péter Catholic University of Budapest, (2005); University of Paris 1 Sorbonne, (2007); University of Amsterdam, (2014).
Lecturer, (August 1974‑1977); Senior Lecturer, (1977‑1982); Reader, (1982‑1983); Professor of Law (Personal Chair), (1983‑1986), University of Adelaide. Australian Law Reform Commission, Commissioner (full‑time), (1982‑1984). Challis Professor of International Law, (1986‑1992); Dean, Faculty of Law, (1990‑1992), University of Sydney. Whewell Professor of International Law; Professorial Fellow of Jesus College (since 1992); Director, Lauterpacht Research Centre for International Law (1995‑2003, 2006‑2010); Chair, Faculty Board of Law (2003‑2006), University of Cambridge. Research Professor of Law (part‑time, 2011‑2014), Latrobe University. Professorship, Xian Jiaotong University, People's Republic of China (since 2013).
Professional qualifications:
Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of Australia (1977). Barrister of the Supreme Court of New South Wales (called 6 November 1987); Senior Counsel (appointed 7 November 1997). Barrister, Grays Inn (called March 1999); Foundation Member of Matrix Chambers, Grays Inn, London.
Governmental and Inter‑governmental bodies:
Commissioner, (1982‑1990) (part‑time, 1984‑1990), Australian Law Reform Commission. Member, Australian National Commission for UNESCO (1984‑1988). Member, Advisory Committee on the Australian Judicial System, (Australia), Constitutional Commission, (1985‑1987). Member, Admiralty Rules Committee (Australia), (1989‑1992). Member, United Nations International Law Commission, (1992‑2001).
Committees, Professional Associations:
President, Australasian Universities Law Schools Association, (1985). Fellow, British Academy (elected 2000). Member of the Curatorium, Hague Academy of International Law, (elected 1999). Associate (elected l985); Member (since 1991), Institut de Droit international. Director of Studies, International Law Association, (1991‑1997). Honorary Member, Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand.